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Masked Guitarist and composer,Red Sky was born to amaze and experiment. The aim of his music is to excite and move minds,removing all musical boundaries and mixing various arts. “The red sky represents to me resurrection after defeat. Red Sky is the part of me that resurrects from pain”

The Theatrical and visual part of the Red Sky project is made up by the artist himself on stage. The guitarist plays while painter Gianfranco Caruso paints the feelings he gets from the music and performer Titi la Noire, fire eater geisha, dances by his side. The aim of Red Sky's shows is to leave the audience open-mouthed.

Origami is the symbol of Red Sky: metaphor of human being and example of pain as mother of art.
Something must die in order to create something. Paper is bent to become a masterpiece,the Sun goes down to come up again, someone suffers to make Red Sky live.

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