Vocalist Daniel Tompkins explains the lyrical concept & inspiration behind the song: "Lyrically ‘Smile’ carries a strong and forward sense of irony as we explore and darkest side of the human condition. The song will witness the manifestation of an ’entity’. Consciousness survives through constant manipulation only to propagate pessimism and hopelessness. Our entity observes, consumes and evolves, bearing witness to human existence, mimicking our presence in colossal form."
"The verses and choruses stand very far apart from each other. There is a tension we wished to build through a minimalist approach, with small phrases that repeat against accompanying parts of different lengths. These undulate, seemingly getting lost against the nonconventional phrasing of the drums. All this is nothing new to TesseracT fans, but this time we have looked to really align the lyrical and musical messages."
Video by Francois Bertrand from Silver Wings Studios, Music Produced by 4D Sound Studios and Celestial Sound Studios, Music Composed by Acle Kahney, Lyrics Composed by Daniel Tompkins, Music Performed by TesseracT. Released on Kscope.