Sonic Delusion - Hey Trouble


Sonic Delusion, the Swiss-Kiwi electro-folk artist, continues to carve out his own unapologetically ambitious and hip swaying sounds with his third single “Hey Trouble”, from his album “Anything Goes” (May 2019).
Pop infused but staying true to his funky folk looped beats, Manella sings sassy lyrics that will evoke memories for all those who have ever taken a chance on a good romance, regardless of the trouble it could bring. “Hey Trouble” is the cool and quirky love song about meeting that someone, throwing caution the wind and allowing yourself imaging the life that could follow.

Concept by the Taranaki Community, thanks to everybody involved!
Funded by the Creative Community Scheme New Plymouth. Many thanks!!!
Filmed and Edited by: Pro-Vision

Sonic Delusion, funk, folk, pop, swiss music
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