Mystéfy - We Are Through


MYSTÉFY - WE ARE THROUGH (lyrics & music by MYSTÉFY)
Single/Clip from the album "Me" (digital release world wide Nov-6, 2015) Label: ScoutInk/Kontor New Media (c/p Mystéfy 2015)

Outdoor sequences filmed on location in beautiful Port Maitland, Nova Scotia (Mystéfy's 2nd home); camera: "Sis" Laura Hadley. Indoor sequences filmed by Chelsea Hopper. Edit, grading & post production by Christoph Mangler (
Musicians on this song: Mystéfy (voc, whistle), Dieter Ilg (bs), Tim Alhoff (p), Knuth Jerxsen (perc)

Mystéfy, Mystefy, alternative, alternative pop, singer
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