First single after six years of silence from the norwegian pop group King Midas! Out on Fysisk Format. Produced by: Per Vigmostad and Ando Woltmann for K.M.I. Mixed by: Matthew Weiss for Mastered by: Chris Athens. Assistant Engineer: Zachary Kerstetter. The rumours of the current state of King Midas have sprawled the Oslo music underground; some said the band was disbanded and gone bankrupt in the vegetable business, some said they paid their various debts by selling their instruments and that they've been making an acapella triple-album. "The only thing you know about the music business, is that there are no guarantees" one of the producers of the Oscar winning documentary "Searching For Sugarman" said. That quote could just as well be about King Midas, one of Norway's most mythical bands from the 90′s and 00′s. Great expectations have always rested on King Midas' shoulders, but the band has never cared about anything but themselves and their own musical ambition. Psychedelic electronica at the end of the nineties. Glittering glam-rock in the mid-zeroes. The last six years the band has spent a few thousand hours in studio perfecting their modern blues. They themselves call it outsider music -- music created despite musical conventions and correctness.