Album: «Pierre Vide Eau» is an initiatory work told in chinese and english, beginning in the dark matter of the cosmos, generating the birth of all forms of life, where energetic principles are enhanced by stork, tiger, leopard, snake, dragon, and concluding by the beyond death experience.
Band: ICSIS began in 2006, by the meeting of Guilhem Meier (Ukandanz, Poil…) and Jessica Matin Maresco (MeiTeiSho, Spang, OpCit…). The band is first a sextet, with Alice Perret (Lunatic Toys), Guillaume Perret (Electric Epic), Ben Richou and Brice Berrerd, and play a kind of contemporary experimental jazz. In 2009, Icsis becomes a trio, the singer plays keyboard and bass guitar, the drummer produces electronics, and a guitarist. The music turns to rock, with elaborated compositions with wild energy. They record their first album «Fuckiss» (Dur et Doux) in march 2013. In June 2016, they release «Pierre Vide Eau», concept-album about kung fu animals, sung in chinese and english. The line up simplifies, with guitar, drums, electronics, and the 3 voices. They make a clip for the song «Hu» (tiger).
Icsis plays regularly in Europe.
- FR -
Rock'n'Fu facétieux de roulades chafouines où les fûts fous fouettent les cordes scarlatines. Trio ré-jouissif mais profond, Kamehameha dentata de Deerhoof et Sonic Youth, caramel de noise contemporaine sur ambroisie punk, prima donna cancanière et suprême éclat de singe. Icsis, grand vacarme rouge et baignade interdite dans un nid de vipères. Leur petit dernier - Pierre Vide Eau (shí zhenkong shu?) - est une œuvre initiatique racontée en chinois et en anglais, débutant dans la matière noire du cosmos, générant la naissance de toute forme de vie, où les principes énergétiques sont sublimés par la grue, le tigre, le léopard, le serpent, le dragon, et se concluant par l'expérience de l'au-delà.
- Tags
- icsis, Rock'n'Fu, rock, experimental, jazz-rock