Djinbala in the Kosmos - Let me be your fantasy (Live)


Let me be your fantasy. Music & arrangements by Andrea Milova & David Cielbala

with special guest Christoph N. Fuhrer (Berlin) - live drawing
Andrea Milova - voc. violin
David Cielbala - piano, voc.
Tom Gasser - bass
Daniel Spahni - drums

performing «Let me be your fantasy» at Mahogany Hall Bern CH, may 24th 2013
mixed & mastered by David Cielbala
live mixed & recorded by Martin Ritschard
filmed by Ruth Schwegler & Martin Guggisberg
animation, visual effects & editing by David Cielbala

copyright 2013 by Hip Sky Records

Djinbala in the Kosmos, live video, concert video, alternative, swiss music
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