Diamá - Mare


"Mare" is Diamá's only Italian song off her album "We're not done" (Fall 2014) and a very personal song, as it describes the artist's own love story. It is a sweet and tender ballad about two lovers who are separated by a big distance and how they overcome every obstacle to find their way back to each other. The ocean that divides them becomes their strongest connection as it contains symbols they both associate memories of each other with. "Mare" is about longing, belonging and trusting one's own destiny. Pele Loriano produced and composed the music while Jiameé and Diamá delivered the lyrics to this subtle but powerful music-gem. Pele's signature rock background is completely immerged into the story and manages to translate the message even to those who do not speak Italian. Diamá's brilliant voice blooms in this track as she captures the essence of "Mare" in its entire spectrum. Melancholic violins and guitars play around a heavy heartbeat and follow it into the depths of an electric guitar, only to get lifted back to the surface by Diamá's inspirational vocal performance. The song encourages to follow one's heart and to believe in love. There is no stronger message. The music-video was entirely shot in Switzerland on August 12th, 2012 by Serge Wohlgensinger and stars Miss Earth Switzerland 2012 Lea Sara Wittwer and Swiss soccer player Elias Aguidi. Photography for Mare by Shpend Salihu. Hair & Make-up: Patrizia Giannuzzi. Sound Department: Luana Masi.
Published by Magnifique Music & Entertainment (SUISA) 2014. Written by Gianni-Massimo „Jiameé" Esposito & Claudia D'Addio. Composed and produced by Pele Loriano. Produced at Spartacus Studios for Magnifique Music & Entertainment. All instruments performed by Pele Loriano. Lead vocals performed by Diamá. All backing vocals performed by Diamá. All vocals recorded by Pele Loriano at Spartacus Studios (Switzerland). Assisted by Gianni-Massimo "Jiameé" Esposito for Magnifique Music & Entertainment. Mixed by Marten Thielges at Proxystudios (Germany). Mastered by Peach Kazen at Abbey Road Studios (UK)
ISRC-Number: CH-A94-13-00007

diama video, pop, diama music, swiss music, diama
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